Collier: While driving from Hood River to Boise I pulled off I-84
at the town of North Powder and drove into the Elkhorn Mountains to visit
this Wild and Scenic stretch of the North Powder River. There is a 4wd road
that parallels the river but it was covered by
snow so I had to park near the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest Boundary and
hike along the river through the snow.
It was a wonderful hike up the river. I followed animal tracks up the road and typically had the river in view. After hiking for a few miles I flew my drone to get a view outside of the deep forest canyon and get a sense of the canyon. I had hope to someday kayak here and quickly learned that there are hundreds of logs spanning the river all the way down.
This is a nice place to get away from the world just 40 minutes away from Interstate 84 and I look forward to a summer hike to some of the nearby lakes.