Collier: My first trip down the wild secion of the Rogue River was
in 1997. I paddled from Grave Creek to Foster Bar with my 3 best friends
in 2 days. The biggest highlight from this first trip was kayaking through
Mule Creek Canyon. We camped at a small unnamed camp on the left side of
the river below Blossom Bar.
I went on to be a guide on the Rogue River and am now an outfitter offering overnight trips on the Wild section. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act I joined my friends J.R. Weir, Erik Weiseth, and Michael Huges for a float down Jump Off Joe Creek from Merlin to the confluence with the Rogue River on January 18, 2017. It rained all day and the Rogue River was rising fast. By the time we hit the Rogue River it was flowing about 15,000 cfs. We paddled the "Recreational" section of the Rogue River a short distance from the confluence with Jump Off Joe Creek to the Hog Creek Boat Ramp.