OWSR No. 23: Whychus Creek
- Begins in the Three Sisters Wilderness
- The Wild and Scenic Designation includes Whychus Creek and all
of it's tributaries in the Three Sisters Wilderness
- Formerly known as Squaw Creek
- Carver Lake, a high-elevation moraine lake on South Sister, is
included in the designation

Whychus Creek
| Photo: Zachary Collier
Quick Facts
- Managing Agency: Deschutes National Forest
- Designated Stretch: Beginning at its source on the glaciers of the Three
Sisters mountains and ending at the hydrological Gauging Station that is approximately 4 miles
southwest of the City of Sisters in Central Oregon.
- Designation Length: 15.4 miles (6.6 miles Wild and 8.8
miles Scenic)
- Outstanding Remarkable Values: Geology, Hydrology,
Fish, Scenic Resources, Cultural- Prehistory, and Cultural- Traditional
- Wild and Scenic River Designation: October 28,
More Information
Celebrated by Zach Collier on August 19 and 20, 2017 by hiking along the
scenic section and along the wild section in the Three Sisters Wilderness.
Collier: I read about kayaking
the scenic section of Whychus Creek (formerly known as
Squaw Creek) on OregonKayak.net and went hiking
along it to scout some of the rapids. There is a great hiking trail that
goes to an overlook and down to the creek off of Three Creek Road. This is
a wonderful hiking trail and a great way to get to know the creek.
The next day I went to the Pole Creek Trailhead to see Whychus Creek in the
Three Sisters Wilderness. The Pole Creek Trail and Green Lakes Trail takes
you across many of the tributaries of Whychus Creek which are also designated
as Wild and Scenic.